본 연구는 대리인 이론과 집사 이론에 기반하여 산업 내 규제완화 시 기업이 선택하는 이사회의 구조적인 변화를 검토하고 기업이 채택한 이사회의 구조적 특성이 기업 ...
Bongjin Kim | 전략경영연구 | 2012.8
2. [PDF] 2021년 제23회 하계융합학술대회에 정중히 초대합니다 - 기술경영경제학회
18 aug 2021 · ... Philanthropy and Social Enterprise of UESTC. • Visiting associate ... 김동욱. 제주대. 김윤정. 제주 국제대. 김정훈. 제주대. 김행선. 제주대.
3. About - Philanthropy for Better Cities Forum 2024
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Global wealth inequality is widening, showing no signs of respite. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the world’s richest 1% captured 67% of all new wealth.
4. TYCOON February '15 by TycoonMedia - Issuu
1 jul 2015 · 김동욱 법무법인 세종 파트너변호사는 통상임금 판결 ... 클로니클 오브 필란스로피(The Chronicle of Philanthropy)가 2014년 기부를 많이 한 톱10을 발표 ...
Vol 92.
5. Our Team | Philanthropy Connections Foundation
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Meet the PCF team empowering communities. Learn more! Contact us.
6. About Us - Open Philanthropy
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Open Philanthropy is a philanthropic funder. Our mission is to help others as much as we can with the resources available to us. Our main funders are Cari Tuna and Dustin Moskovitz, a co-founder of Facebook and Asana. Meet our staff here. Open Philanthropy was originally incubated as a partnership between GiveWell and Good Ventures. […]
7. About Us
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The International Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change is a call to all foundations, regardless of their mission, status or geographic location to come together and signal their commitment to climate action.
8. 김동욱
Bevat niet: philanthropy | Resultaten tonen met:philanthropy
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